Arca by Privacy Everywhere


We are in an advanced beta stage.
No, Arca works with all modern email providers including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook etc.
Our code is available for peer review upon request
Emails sent through Arca are secure in transport. Additionally emails are password protected on the user’s computer. Arca uses a standard encryption algorithm the same as governments & military
ProtonMail has your private keys, Arca does not.
ProtonMail‘s protection against a Man-in-the-Middle Attack is extremely difficult to implement, Arca’s is easy.
With ProtonMail you can only have a account. With Arca, you secure your existing accounts, i.e.
You can use Arca with an unlimited number of accounts.
Arca’s digital signatures can authenticate any document or file, not just emails.
Our basic email security software is free of charge

Yes, Arca PE’s encryption is compatible with all other software using PGP/MIME (and PGP/Inline) standard.

Secure Mail means your emails are fully secure in transport and at rest. However, the security of your emails could be hacked by exploiting your computer directly. This can be prevented by having an extremely strong password.

ProtonMail and other “secure email” services are examples of centralized email solutions: if an attacker breaches their servers, they gain access to both the emails and the private keys. In contrast, a well-designed email client is decentralized, utilizing any email service while ensuring the private key remains solely on the user’s device without their permission.

Even if an attacker breaches these servers, they cannot read the emails, as they lack access to the private keys, which are securely stored on the user’s own devices (computers, phones, etc.).

Arca is an email client, not an email service. Many easy to use encryption services exist (i.e. ProtonMail, Tutanota). The problem with these services is they lack real security. Arca is the first easy to use and fully secure email.
Secure Drive is a virtual drive. It can be instantly open or closed. The data inside this drive is encrypted with AES256, which is the unbreakable standard which is used by governments and military. On Windows, this is installed with the installation of Arca and it instantly works. However, on macOS, the installation requires a little technical skill. It can only be installed if the user has already installed macFUSE.